Time-lapse incubation and imaging

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Time-lapse incubation and imaging

Time-lapse incubation and imaging is used to help select the best quality embryo, most likely to implant and lead to a live birth. In conventional IVF, the embryologist will check the developing embryos at specific times under a microscope as they grow, which involves removing them from the incubator for a brief period. Although necessary, this may negatively impact the development of the embryos. Time-lapse incubation and imaging allows the collection of multiple images of the embryos as they develop without the need to disturb them. Being undisturbed while they grow, minimises the risk of detrimental impact on their development. Having a continuous view of each embryo as it develops, rather than just a "snapshot" assists the embryologist to select the optimal embryo. Embryologists will choose the embryo with the highest implantation potential based on all the available information such as rate of development, the number and appearance of cells.

Why Choose Hope?

At Hope, 2 out of every 3 embryo transfers resulted in pregnancy.
75% of our patients have a successful pregnancy.
We offer our eligible patients multiple treatment attempts with a single payment and full reimbursement if pregnancy is not achieved.
All embryo transfers were performed on day 5.

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